Sexy Colada by Rums of Puerto Rico
There is not just one way to enjoy Puerto Rico’s staple drink, and Rums of Puerto Rico knows it. Elevate your drink game with this simple, yet seductive Sexy Colada recipe:
1.5 ounces of Bacardí Gold Rum
2.5 ounces of coconut water
½ ounce of Coco Real (coconut cream)
½ ounce of Ginger Real (infused syrup)
1 ounce of pineapple juice
½ ounce of Pineapple real (infused syrup)
¾ ounces of lime juice
Pinch of salt
Combine all the ingredients in a shaker or container with lid and shake well. Pour over crushed iced in your preferred glass. You can garnish your drink with a pineapple leaf, or dehydrated pineapple wedge.